Monday, January 28, 2013

Last Week

Today began our last week here in Antigua, which we are all very sad about. We've all talked about how we are just starting to feel really settled and like we know our way around the city, but we only have one week left! This week we are working with the Youth Program at Common Hope, which consists of a group of kids that are twelve years old and up that come to Common Hope after school. While the kids are in school in the morning, we will be working on creating a mural in the Youth Programs office with a quote from Albert Einstein:

"Nunca consideres el estudio como una obligacion, sino como una oportunidad para penetrar en el bello y maravilloso mundo del saber."

Today we traced the letters for the quote onto blue construction paper and tomorrow we begin painting the wall. Below is a photo of the wall that we will be making the mural on!

This afternoon we put together a presentation for the Youth Program about physical health. While we waited for everyone to show up we played Duck, Duck, Goose (which in Spanish is Pato, Pato, Ganso) and musical chairs. We then talked to the kids about healthy eating habits, the importance of exercise, and other important habits such as brushing your teeth and not smoking. Afterwards, we played a game of soccer with the kids until it was time to leave.

Tomorrow we will be working on the mural in the morning and then doing crafts with the Youth Program kids in the afternoon! Check back for updated pictures of the mural! I also just wanted to share a photo that I instagrammed of the view of Volcano Agua from our porch:

On Sunday, Hana and I walked around town exploring shops on the streets around our house that we usually don't walk down, so here are some more photos I took of places around Antigua:

 Hana outside of an old church

A market stand that sold TONS of candy

A giant candle that was in a restaurant we ate at - the waiter said that it was made of wax from about 45,000 candles that were added over 11 years! They go through about three candles a day and there used to be an entire trunk of wax until a young boy broke it. Crazy!

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